I'm just gonna focusing on finish every game I buy this year. I've bought so many games that have gone untouched. :(
Believe it or not, I've never truly played the Zelda series. Judging from a GBC game of it I played on an emulator some years ago, I'd say it looks like an awesome series. The synth sounds on that game really got to me, too. For a GBC track, they were pretty cool. I wish I knew what game it was. :/
Hard to say, though there were only three Game Boy Color Zelda games (Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, and Oracle of Ages). Personally, I hope it's one of the latter two because I lovelovelove the Oracle games. >>;
Oracle of Seasons sounds familiar. Is it the one with the festival with the flute synth at the beginning of the game?
Blech, you. Also, A Link Between Worlds is a good choice. Probably my favorite top-down Zelda game, followed by the Oracle games.
In time it will repair itself and embrace something amazing like The Minish Cap or Link's Awakening (probably this one since you like the other GBC games)