But... I've played all of those. And as great as they are - especially The Minish Cap - they just don't beat the Oracles for me.
I've gotta say, the Oracle Series in the Zelda games was actually quite unique in how it brought many things from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. The interesting part about the timeline placement of the Oracle Series that takes place as a direct sequel to A Link to the Past and a direct prequel to Link's Awakening, is very similar to how Majora's Mask was a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time, using the same Links in those games. But of course, I know A Link Between Worlds isn't a sequel, but a successor... but it's still amazing as it can actually be. Maybe Nintendo might develop a prequel to A Link Between Worlds to explain exactly how the Ganon from A Link Between Worlds came to exist in the first place? 'Cause I know the Ganon in A Link to the Past was destroyed, and destroyed again in the Oracle Series, while the Ganon in A Link Between Worlds intro story was actually sealed away, not destroyed.
I've never had any interest in the Call of Duty franchise, but I have to admit, this trailer was pretty awesome. It reminded me of the plot of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which I really enjoyed by the way.
Looks like CoD. I lost interest in that series with Black Ops and have never gone back, so I doubt this will be any different.
I really wanna play A Link Between Worlds, but I just can't afford it yet. The Zelda series is one of my favorites. I still need to play Skyward Sword, beat Twilight Princess, and find my N64 Majora's Mask to relive some of my youth. I haven't played a CoD since BLOPS, but I'm glad I stopped. I loved playing with my friends online, but beyond that, it wasn't as fun anymore. We had a blast playing BLOPS online, doing zombies and team deathmatch. We ran train on fools.
Yay, glad to see you come back around! I'm totally exhausted because I've been dealing with 26 screaming kids all week and they were ridiculously hyperactive today. We should totally get together in the next week or two.
Yeah sorry :c Got tied up with my family stuff. My grandmother is not doing well and I had to go see her with my dad (and he wanted to do lunch with me). And KD is not good for this week due to my grandparents coming in town but #July18th please.