Hope your grandma is still doing okay. :) I ended up buying A Link Between Worlds, y'all. It was good. ;D
I've been looking at and trying demos recently. Anyone else? In my case... Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 1/2, Tomodachi Life, Fire Emblem Awakening Any demos you were impressed with lately? I like the idea of Bravely Default's demo - kind of it's own little enclosed game - but I just don't like the game XD Too slow for me
This makes me sad: http://variety.com/2015/film/news/ghostbusters-female-cast-taking-shape I don't find any of these people funny.
Would I get killed if I said I've never seen the original Ghostbusters? And really have no desire to?
Well, you're stressing the "original". Does that mean you've only seen the sequel? And... yes. Yes, you would. It is a mortal sin. go.watch.it. and then sit through the sequel. And then buy the game because it's actually good and fun and is basically the third movie (and better than Ghostbusters 2 at that). I got to see it in theatres last year and it was glorious \o/ Anyway, from the casting news... I'm okay with McKinnon, but not the rest. If they want an all female cast there are better choices they could have made. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler would be great Ghostbusters. Tina Fey in particular in the straight man role. Wanda Sykes, even. You know, people who are actually funny? With that said, I'm not interested in the reboot. What made the original great, the sequel salvageable, and the game such a love letter to fans was the writing and that core cast and their chemistry together. All of which is absent here. Ugh, Wiig and McCarthy. I just don't like them in general, in anything they've done. Their casting, plus the director... this is shaping up to be Brides Maids with ghosts. Ghostbusters is not a physical comedy. There's no slapstick, no potty humour, no real 'jokes' per say either. They're not laugh out loud movies. But rather a stream of sarcastic comments that just leave you grinning (and the game does this oh so well, it is non-stop audio dialogue). That doesn't seem to be what they're doing here