Local theatre was holding a charitable Halloween event tonight. Just got back from that. Finally got to see Ghostbusters on the big screen. Missed the opportunity so many times over the years due to school or work or being away on vacation. Much fun. Looked great. Sounded great. Crowd was laughing. People were in costume. I was grinning like a doofus.
The last movie I saw was "Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)". A pretentious title, but a good film. It was a little weird at times, but it was very well acted and the "single shot" cinematography aspect was interesting
I watched The Lorax last night because I'd never seen it and it was always one of my favourite Seuss books. It was okay. Animation was alright, art design was okay, and the added plotlines/characters/whatever didn't seem totally out of place. I watched it because I noticed it on Netflix and needed something mindless to throw on while I grinded trophies in Danganronpa. I don't regret it but it certainly wasn't memorable. I prefer the book. :P Last movie I saw in theatres was ummm... I guess it must have been The Imitation Game. It was a good film, but it was pretty inaccurate and I totally understand why one of my profs spent 10 minutes ranting about it last term and told everyone not to go see it, lmao. My mom really likes Benedict Cumberbundle though, so she was really excited about the movie. Disappointed in how some things were portrayed in the movie, but it was entertaining all the way through and I admit a lot of what I didn't like would have made it a worse movie experience if it was removed, lol.
I just watched District 9 for the fifth time. Each time I love the film and notice something new. This time, I noticed just how intelligent Christopher is. I always knew he was smart, but this time I really grasped what they were going for in the film. Christopher pretty much disproves all of the hype media has portrayed on these aliens, like them not really loving their kids, and now I really appreciate him as a character.
The last movie I saw was "The Grand Budapest Hotel". It was, as you'd expect for Wes Anderson, delightfully quirky. Had some nice humour. I liked the two central characters. I enjoyed it, but I don't think I have a reason to ever watch it again. Obligatory: Go watch Wes Anderson's "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" if you haven't. That's really all I could think of while watching Budapest XD
I don't think I've seen anything since Mockingjay Part 1 honestly. Nothing has really appealed to me so much that I need to see it in theaters right away. I probably won't go to the movies again until Avengers: Age of Ultron comes out.
I recently saw The Avengers: Age of Ultron. I thought it was better than the first one. I read that the first cut of the film was three and a half hours long, and I think that version would be better than the theatrical version. A lot of the scenes felt rushed to me, so with another hour of running time I think the pacing would have been better. And maybe Ultron would be more developed as a villain because he (it?) was quite uninteresting. Although I did find it a bit funny that after spending about 10 seconds on the Internet Ultron decides to eradicate humanity. Must have visited a comments section :P
The last movie I saw was Poltergeist. It's really not worth watching. It had a couple good scares, but mediocre characters, horrendous pacing, and poor acting performances make for an underwhelming movie. Not to mention all of the CGI. I swear half the movie was built on a computer. It had potential, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.
The last movie I watched was Avengers: Age of Ultron. It was as awesome as I knew it would be! I hope to see Jurassic World soon.