Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney I picked up the 3DS collection of this because I needed the 30 points on Club Nintendo to go Gold or Platinum or something. I've been meaning to replay it lately so I figured I might as well do it now. I find it a bit hard to play, though. I think I might have replayed the first game too recently (I think I last replayed it in mid-late 2013) and the text is so blurry. I discovered last night that the text looks great if you turn on 3D but then I feel like the sprites/characters look strange. The 3D was amazing in PLvsAA and it looked really good in AA5, but I think it's because both games used 3D models rather than 2D. The 2D just looks flat and awkward. I wish there was a way to make only the text box in 3D and everything else a flat background. :( I'm super impressed that the game includes Japanese! Too bad Phoenix isn't snarky enough in Japanese for me to enjoy the game as much. Kingdom Hearts chi I picked this up again the other day and blazed through most of the story missions. I've neglected it for over a year though, so I'm really behind everyone else playing it. I'm around level 75 and everyone on my team this week is like... 175. I feel like such dead weight but I think I'm actually going to totally catch up in plot in another day or two of play and then probably put it down for months on end waiting for updates.
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Also known as "Adorableness: The HD Video Game". I did not know that the game was made up of different "episodes" - a series of levels, each ending with a credits roll. It really feels like this was going to be a eShop multi-release that they just slapped on a disc instead lol I've cleared the first "episode" of levels, and some of the bonus levels you get if you have a Super Mario 3D World save file. It's a fun way to unwind. I'm trying to complete the challenges along the way. The game looks great, when you're zoomed in. I wish I didn't have to use the tablet though. Or that I could at least turn off the gyro controls, I like the camera where I have it stop swirling around when I move! :( Overall, it satisfies my puzzle-platform itch pretty well though ... Ready for adventure! \o/ And I'm working on the steady stream of retro games of course, nothing active at the moment though. Alex Kidd in Miracle World for the Sega Master System coming up shortly though
I am currently (re)playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations 3D and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Not very far into either of them. In Ace Attorney, I'm about to start the first trail day of the "The Stolen Turnabout" case. I wasn't big on this case the first time I played this game either. Not a fan of the Ron DeLite character, but oh well. I'm really enjoying (or at least noticing it moreso) the music remastering this time around. A lot less GBAish than the other two games were in the 3D Trilogy release. I'm only just getting to Skyward Sword, I meant to start this replay back in January but I had too many new shiny things from Christmas to distract me. I want to replay Skyward Sword, The Minish Cap, Four Swords, and Ocarina of Time before playing Majora's Mask 3D (...and then continue on with Twilight Princess and Four Swords Adventures. So, the entire triumphant child era branch of the timeline). omg What a slow start to this game. I'm finally on the Surface now and exploring about. Oh, I'm trying out Hero Mode this time around too.
I'm currently playing Hyrule Warriors. I think they did a great job of embracing the Zelda universe, with them including so many little Zelda references. However, the gameplay is very repetitive. Still playing Omega Ruby as well. Just finished the Delta Episode.
Starting my marathon through the MGS series since I want to play through it before MGS5 comes out this year. Well, technically I started it last year with MGS, but I'm playing through Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - the HD version so my eyes don't bleed. I'm enjoying it much more than the first game so far, so I'm really hoping I can get into the series. I'm doing the bomb defusion stuff now, so I'm just a few hours in. Also started Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag the other night.'s an AC game, all right. Haven't played one of those in a couple years though, and it at least seems to be better than 3 - although that doesn't take much. Still in the opening sequences. Haven't played in a bit, but I'm also doing some The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D on the side.
I'm currently playing through the Kingdom Hearts series, but I have to play that on the PS3 that my roommates and I share, so I started a new Mass Effect game on the side. So far I like KH, but I'm waiting for the story to pick up. It's kind of cool to see all the different characters come together like this.
Still largely Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations 3D and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for me With Skyward Sword, I'm about a third of the way done. Which is to say I've beaten The Imprisoned once so far. Hero Mode is more enjoyable now that I have a Heart Medal, as with it equipped it is much easier to heal myself. If you're playing the normal game, the medal will make hearts appear more frequently. In Hero Mode, I think the heart appearance rate is about normal now; maybe a little under. Still a big improvement over having no hearts when everything gives double damage @_@ I would keep abandoning what I was doing to hunt for Fairies (can only use them and potions), heal myself, fly back, continue. Ugh. I have still not yet fully acclimated to the controls. I remember adoring them on my first playthrough, but they're giving me too much trouble now. Even the swordplay in "Battle Quest" from Nintendoland is more accurate. Lanayru Province is a really great region to play though. With Ace Attorney, super glad to be done with the "Zvarri!" case because it was incredibly obvious and I don't like the Ron DeLite character. I'm finally on the "Recipe for Turnabout" case. From what I remember of when I last played this game, it really starts to pick up around now once "Xin Eohp" shows up. Also, I'm really digging Godot's theme in this 3D remaster. Sounds much better than the laggy version I heard when playing an emulated version on my phone previously. I let it play for a couple loops whenever it comes up I'm also now playing Pokémon Shuffle and Pokémon Rumble World as part of my daily StreetPass checkings, even though they're not related. I'm enjoying both. I don't need more than a small dose of either of them, so the F2P nature works well. With Shuffle, I never played Trozei! before, so this is new to me. I like the Tetris Attack-like nature of it (or Puzzle Challenge, or whathaveyou). It's faster-paced, which is nice. I wish you could turn off the hint system though. It prompts me where to place a block far too quickly. With Rumble World, I played the Wii version of Rumble and enjoyed it. Didn't buy the later games as they're pretty much the same, as is this - but it's free! So, that's nice. Glad to be playing it again. Good time waster
I haven't posted in this thread because by the time I remember to, I always end up beating every game I'm playing. But not this time! Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII I got this for my birthday a year ago and never touched it because I was so sure it was going to suck. I was so sure. It has a weird battle system, the plot sounds stupid even by FF13 standards, it brings Lightning back who is one of my least favourite characters in FF, and it just sounded like a disaster. So I am so surprised by how much I'm enjoying it. It was a bit hard to get into, but it's actually a pretty good game! The plot is still kinda weird, but I'm digging it. They explain everything that sounded stupid within the first few hours of gameplay so I've been pretty content with it ever since then. I hated the battle system when I first started, but now that I have more abilities and outfits, I'm loving it. Now that I can actually build proper battle styles, it feels much closer to the original games' battle systems. (I'm rocking a pretty awesome Saboteur/Ravager setup right now that just destroys EVERYTHING and I'm having so much fun.) Also, the game does feel like an apology for almost everything bad in FF13. People complained that every map in 13 was a straight line? Fine, everything in this game is a HUGE SPRAWLING MAP. The story was too linear? Here, go do whatever the hell you want, whenever the hell you want. Empty expanses with no people and cities that feel sterile and unlived-in? NPCS EVERYWHERE WHO TALK TO YOU AND CHATTER AND GO ABOUT THEIR LIVES. They feel so alive and believable. The one real complaint I have is that Lightning is all alone without even monster companions to recruit like the sparse party in 13-2 had... but in some areas you get a partner to tag along with you and the battles are very well balanced so while it's sometimes a little lonely, it feels natural enough. Also the game heavily relies on dress-up and good god I am all about that. There are so many outfits to choose from which affect your stats and abilities and you can change their colours piece by piece!! Every time I equip new outfits, I change either the main colour or the highlight colours to a bright pink and god it's just awesome. I realize now that this level of colour customization is why I initially thought the character models in this game looked terrible--it's because they have to adapt to user choices rather than texture everything perfectly themselves? idk, but while I hated the look in trailers and stuff, I enjoy it now. I forgive them. Seriously I'm so surprised by how much I enjoy the game. I think I've finished all the main quests and I still have a few days in-game to do sidequests but I'm totally not ready for it to be over yet. I went in with the expectation of not even wanting to finish the game to... well, now I'm very much considering going for Platinum just so I can keep playing. It's really fun!!! Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth I'm not even sure that's the title but I don't care enough to look it up, lmao. This is my second time playing it and initially I just wanted to play it quick so I could try playing its sequel in Japanese but... man I'm barely even enjoying this. I'm really bad at the logic, the cases feel so dragged out, and the whole time I just sit here thinking "ok I wish this was over so I could move on to AA4". I'm taking forever to get through it because I only end up playing like 10 minutes at a time before bed. I do remember the last case has some really great lines in it, though, so I will try to persevere. I think I'll be playing the English fantranslation of the sequel instead of trying to suffer through a game I'm not even good at in English, though, lmao.
Not playing anything right now, aside from Pokémon Shuffle I suppose. But planning on starting stuff soon. Having wrapped up Skyward Sword and planning on picking up Majora's Mask 3D around my birthday in June, I'm going to be starting up Ocarina of Time 3D now. Haven't decided yet if Master Quest or not. On the console side, I think I'll start The Wonderful 101. Wrapping up my Wii U library for the time being. And then I'll be free to hop to Metroid Prime Trilogy I think I'll play the last of the Layton prequel trilogy, as I haven't yet and I need an Ace Attorney break before starting Apollo Justice (which I own now, hurrah) - especially since I still have AA5 after that and the VS game too (which I've heard is more Wright than Layton). So, I need a turnabout breather
I've been playing a lot of Garden Warfare lately. I must admit, with all of the FPS games trying to best each other by getting bloodier, it's quite refreshing to play one that's purely focused on fun. I mean, it looks whimsical, the sound effects are great, and the gameplay is pretty neat too. Since they're not restricted to realistic shooters like everyone else, it makes for some pretty fun character designs.