I've been checking out mobile games again since I have a fancy schmancy new phone. I forgot I "bought" (was free on Amazon temporarily once!) Monument Valley and the original Plants VS. Zombies. So, I've got those going. I'm enjoying PvZ a lot more than I had previously. It's quite clever and addicting. I am late to the party. And speaking of addicting... I've fallen back to 2048 filled train rides again. Oh no, this was a bad idea. What else is good? I have looooots of space now? I kinda want to put that Simpsons f2p game back on. That'll be a dangerous time sink for me. I was playing Majora's Mask 3D. Stopped in the Great Bay area. I dropped my headphones in a puddle this week (T__T, so I'm not playing more handheld games till the new ones I order arrive. MM3D is superb. It looks great. It's a much better visual improvement than OoT received. More models besides Link are redone this time! \o/ Like every NPC I've encountered is a touched up model, not just texture. Texture work is good too. Some rooms are altered, expanded geometry. Everything looks different just enough. Aiming arrows with gyro is lovely. The gameplay refinements are also welcome. Skyward Sword's save system fits really well here and helps a lot making the game mobile friendly. I like the expanded Bomber's Notebook, and don't find it obnoxious unlike some people (let's call him Geoff). Really nice that even the minor sidequests show up there for me to track across the three days. I'm okay with the new Zora and Goron controls. Only downside are the boss battle modifications I've encountered so far (Odolwa especially, that was a joke) EDIT: removed a gif about time travelling because the image died :\
Threes takes a lot more careful thought than 2048, though. Not as good for when you just want to mindlessly kill time. :P
Currently playing Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time on my Nexus 6. I forgot how much fun this series is!
After about two months of just playing a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and getting nowhere, I've finally picked a game to push toward beating, and it's Majora's Mask 3D (100% run, also). Just finished Stone Tower Temple and I'm about to do the Anju/Kafei quest before heading on to the final "dungeon" and boss. It pretty much parallels the experience I had the first time I played Majora's Mask; I wasn't a big fan up through Snowhead but the second half of the game was much better. The revamped Twinmold fight was annoying as hell - really tedious and clunky.
With Majora now out of the way, I guess I'm hoping back to Apollo Justice since I jumped ship on that part way through the tutorial case. I'm ready for you, captain big hands And I'm still slogging through The Wonderful 101 (it isn't so wonderful). Action-packed and I like some of the character interactions, but oh man is it repetitive. I like the attack scheme now though. I'd imagine it must be like using the Celestial Brush was like in PS Okami, given this is by Platinum. Would be better if I could use Wiimote controls here like I could for Wii Okami
Started playing Majora's Mask 3D. About to do the Woodfall temple. Also playing The Simpsons: Tapped Out and Batman: Arkham Origins on my phone.